Friday, February 23

Calling All Citizen Journalists

If you're a video maker, student, community leader, work for an organization that's trying to make a difference, or if you've always wanted to be on TV, pay attention.

I'm developing a TV show with Black Family Channel that will allow the everyday citizen to have a voice. The show is called UR TV, and it's based on the idea of citizen journalism. Basically we're looking for a worldwide army of community reporters. If I need to explain why you should think about sharing some of your experiences and stories to us, watch your local news tonight, and come back tomorrow and read this post again.

If this sounds like a great opportunity for you, or someone you know, send them a link here. We are all the media, and need to start acting like it.

Watch my homemade message below.

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At 7:03 PM, Blogger Jim.Legington said...


You are a blessing and I'm certainly reading Your blogs. Content is great from the Community and is such a great thing for all. Be encouraged, many more are reading and experiencing a kind of dripping and the feast is a mighty blessing via videos too.

FaithWorks, is sharing the Path of Life Newsletter. Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. shared in the fine linen, which is the righteous acts of the saints. "Content of Character" is so true when unity of the faith is understood.

It's an inside job, what is external is temporary. Black, White, Brown, or many but all are One In God, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Here is a pouring, tell me what You hear, FaithWorks! The First Steps to Generating Momentum Crucial Essentials All Essential Online Marketing Skills- Be Blessed Always!

Be rich toward God, because Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. a child of God is His word always. Be Blessed always... Later Jim

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im interested in your project and I have a great idea. when the cops say they have been assaulted and know one isnt around? Can we just request the sattle lite veiw I hear we can see any where. I think It's time for us to see the cops in the Media. SATTLELITE PLEASE
sign Toni in Queens


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